
  • Pickle Riiiick

    Film Crit Hulk SMASH: Let’s Talk About “Pickle Rick”

  • The necessity of lab and research notebooks

    A quote that describes basically my entire year thus far: There’s nothing quite as… disheartening? as coming across what you thought was a new approach or idea and realizing you had been there a year ago. from Keeping a lab notebook with org-mode, git, Papers, and Pandoc.

  • Why Synthetic Protein Research Needs More Funding

    From David Baker on Nautilus: Even more remarkably, nature seems to have made use of only a tiny fraction of the potential protein structures available—and there are many. Therein lies an amazing set of opportunities to design novel proteins with unique structures: synthetic proteins that do not occur in nature, but are made from the […]

  • Kwame Anthony Appiah and others on hierarchy

    The entire article is very good. Apart from their civic importance, hierarchies can be surprisingly benign in life more broadly. Hierarchy is oppressive when it is reduced to a simple power over others. But there are also forms of hierarchy that involve power with, not over. Daoism characterises this kind of power effectively in the […]

  • A new machine learning journal

    From Chris Olah, it’s called Distill: As people rush out new discoveries without putting effort into communication, they produce research debt. The field becomes noisy and energy draining to follow. In such an environment, I think it’s extremely valuable for there to be people focused on human understanding, clarity, and communication — a kind of […]

  • Memetic selection

    A short review of Dennett’s new book, From Bacteria to Bach and Back. And a quote explaining the main theme of the book: Yet, as Dennett and others argue, genetic evolution is not enough to explain the skills, power and versatility of the human mind. Over the past 10,000 years, human behaviour and our ability […]

  • Christopher Hitchens’ Lies to Atheists

    Christopher Hitchens’ Lies to Atheists (via nolan) It’s not really that he lied per se, he was just very vocal about his extremist view typical of reductionistic scientists, which is the prominent perspective embraced by the likes of the Technological Singularity movement (Dean Kaman et al), etc etc. Reductionism fails to appreciate the power of […]