Author: Ben Sima
David Mamet
David Mamet: Why I Am No Longer a ‘Brain-Dead Liberal’
There Never Was a Real Tulip Fever
There Never Was a Real Tulip Fever
Just own the damn robots.
Just own the damn robots.
Heuristic: don’t take book recommendations from someone who’s favorite book was published in their lifetime. (Lindy effect)
Liberty & network effects
It is easy to forget that at the end of the day accessibility improvements benefits everybody, not just those with disability. @boagworld This is generally true because of network effects. More liberties for social minorities result in more liberties for all.
A recursive definition: an example. @CutTheKnotMath
Museums are retirement homes for culture
Museums are retirement homes for culture.
Only a failing space company says the sky’s the limit.
Ship it
The best software developers I know are the least sure of the code they have touched. The worst judge others for not having their arrogance. @SusanPotter Still others know that shipping working code on time is better than an intellectual exercise in moral judgement.
Machine learning theory is lagging behind
We’re in a very empirical era in machine learning…but theory is lagging behind. – Michael Jordan @davidandrzej Because computer scientists don’t study psychoanalysis or philosophy. A good place to start is Hubert Dreyfus. Next try Spinoza, Lacan, Foucault, Deleuze and Berkeley. What you’ll learn is that the intelligent world is explainable by interpretation, in the […]