
  • Cryogenic sleep logic

    If cryogenic sleep were generally available, why would anyone choose to not be frozen? Go to sleep, wake up in a better world. This offer is too good: if everyone takes it, who will be left to actually build the better world?

  • Cardinal rule of internet comments:

    The value of an individual comment is inversely proportional to it’s nesting (indentation) within the thread.

  • Plays and movies

    It took me a while to get into The Castle by Kafka. It can definitely be a boring book, but it doesn’t have to be. What finally got me into the book was this: I stopped imagining the scenery of the story as if it were a movie or a television show: an entire world […]

  • Chamath on business strategy

    1. Launch revolutionary product 2. Sell into fragmented, undifferentiated market 3. Expand scope + vertically integrate 4. Expand into adjacent markets Result: Own market share, pricing power & profits. Chamath on $TSLA and $AAPL

  • Haskell is just a DSL for category theory.

    Haskell is just a DSL for category theory.

  • DFTM: Don’t Fear the Manual

    Instead of RTFM (Read The F***ing Manual) prefer the acronym DFTM (Don’t Fear The Manual). It’s nicer, and it has a theme song.

  • Societies of control

    The adolescent stage of societies of control. The nascent stage. (Also, it’s so meta that Genius has Deleuze’s Postscript annotated. Not sure how to feel about this.)

  • Lindy

    Heuristic: don’t take book recommendations from someone who’s favorite book was published in their lifetime. (Lindy effect)

  • Liberty & network effects

    It is easy to forget that at the end of the day accessibility improvements benefits everybody, not just those with disability. @boagworld This is generally true because of network effects. More liberties for social minorities result in more liberties for all.

  • Museums are retirement homes for culture

    Museums are retirement homes for culture.